Summer 2023
Panparu is a tamogatchi-style game available for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android. Working as a group of 5, we submitted this game for LOWREZJAM 2023, a month long game design event. I was the lead artist for this project, responsible for the character design and illustration, as well as a few other asset illustrations.
Once the game jam concluded, Panparu:
Ranked #54 out of 304 in Graphics
Ranked #118 Overall

Raising a hatchling in good conditions will result in this evolution.

Under poor care, a well-raised child will evolve to this stage.

Raising a hatchling in neutral conditions will result in this evolution.

Under poor care, a neutral child will evolve to this stage.

Raising a hatchling in poor conditions will result in this evolution.

Under bad care, a poorly-raised child will evolve to this stage.

Gameplay Snippets